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Reflection - Part 1 of 2


She had been careless.

Jenesis grit her teeth, her bright eyes darting quickly around her, assessing. She squinted through the deluge of snow that whipped around her and her attackers, obscuring her vision. She counted silently to herself, lance still clenched in her hands and at the ready.

Twelve…thirteen…damn it!

A small battalion of 15 fully armored Sultansworn out in the middle of Coerthas. How long had they been watching her? How did they know? Jenesis was a talented fighter and perhaps was at her most dangerous when the odds were stacked against her, but even she could not project a likely way out of this one.

But, what choice did she have?

Her legs started to bend, lowering her body to the ground. A few of the more seasoned men and women surrounding her were already moving for their swords; they had clearly seen dragoons fight before and were well aware of their leaping power. Her eyes flicked to the stone structure just beyond the circle of knights that surrounded her, and her legs buckled. Although she should not have been surprised to see him, the sight of her brother silhouetted against the flickering flames of the monument raised to her fallen comrades made her breath catch in her throat.

Exodus strode down the ice-laden steps with ease, his breath frosting around him in wisped tendrils as he approached her. Flakes of snow caught in his raven hair; he paid it no mind. His gaze was locked with Jenesis’, his eyes a startling identical reflection of her own. Her lips tightened as he neared her, the rest of the Sultansworn parting and making the way for him as he moved to the center of the circle.

Jenesis regarded him for a long moment. How many years had it been? She almost found herself wanting to open her arms and embrace him; he still looked the same to her as he had when they were children. His face was more rugged than she remembered, his jawline now thick and filled out, covered by a layer of meticulously trimmed dark hair. His next words were expected - she had been waiting over twenty years to hear them. Her eyes slipped shut in resignation as he spoke.

“Jenesis Labariel - by the authority vested in me by Nanamo Ul Namo, Seventeenth in the line of Ul, I place you under arrest.”

Jenesis lowered her lance.


Jude lifted a gauntleted hand to shield his eyes which were narrowed against the blast of bitter Coerthan wind and surrounding snow. He glanced to his left, regarding his traveling companion for a moment. Ivaan seemed unperturbed by the weather, his ornate draconic helm obscuring his face and safeguarding it from the cold. Jude waited quietly as Ivaan knelt in the snow, hand pressing into the chill blanket of white and dusting it to the side to get a better look at the footprints that were already starting to fade.

“She came this way,” he affirmed finally as he rose, turning to face Jude. The Miqo’te frowned, cat-like ears flattening against his head as Ivaan spoke.

“What would bring Lady Labariel out so far?” Ivaan shrugged and started moving forward again, following the trail that was quickly threatening to disappear beneath the blizzard.

“Hard to say, but I am fairly certain she will not appreciate us having followed her.” Jude frowned, then, raising a hand defensively.

“It’s…what did Lady Labariel call it…” he struggled with the word for a moment or two before his face lit up, tail lashing around his legs, “Intuition!” He supplied proudly. “Something did not feel right, Ser Arkwright, and I could not simply let it alone.” Ivaan regarded Jude for a moment before nodding.

“It is true that she did not seem at all herself when she left the Sandsea this evening.”

Jude nodded emphatically and quickened his pace beside the dragoon, his eyes lifting anxiously to the darkening sky. A heavy knot sat in the bottom of his stomach. Some time before, he might have mistaken the feeling merely for hunger, a sensation he did not often experience anyway. However, his recent time spent with Jenesis had taught him a great deal about trusting his instincts and following his own “heart”; a light smile passed over his lips as he recalled how she had apologized for what seemed like an insensitive generalization, given his circumstances.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ivaan’s arm thrusting out in front of his chest, halting his steps.

“Jude, look.” He pointed down below them; Jude stepped closer to the ledge on which they stood and peered downward, his eyes making out the faint glow of candles just barely holding their light against the wind. He could make out several forms near a crumbling stone structure, though the details were difficult to ascertain through the sidewinding snow.

“Do you think…?” Ivaan nodded, regarding the distance for a moment. Jude saw his lips curl into a grimace beneath his helmet as he turned to him, sighing.

“I can make the jump to get down there quickly. That just leaves the matter of you.” Jude raised a golden eyebrow, taking a step back.

“Ser, you’re not implying what I think you’re…” Ivaan nodded, turning his back to Jude and bending slightly at the knee. Jude hesitated, ears flicking irritably at the indignity of it all. Still, his concern for Jenesis and his curiosity for the activity below drove him to set his feelings aside and throw propriety to the wind. WIth a resigned sigh, Jude approached Ivaan and climbed onto his back, arms wrapping securely around the dragoon’s armored shoulders. Ivaan grunted; he turned his head to regard Jude, who spoke aloud what they were both thinking.

“I won’t tell if you won’t.”


Jenesis remained where she stood, her eyes finally opening so that she could regard Exodus. She had so much that she wanted to say, but she could not will the words to her lips. She fought against every screaming instinct that told her to raise her arms and attack as the Sultansworn began to close in around her. Her eyes ever remained on her brother, who stood by with a stern, unwavering expression.

She felt arms grabbing her from behind, ironclad hands roughly yanking her wrists behind her back while another wrested the lance from her grasp. She felt the rope cutting into flesh as they began to bind her; Jenesis stood listlessly through it all, head tilted upwards as her eyes stared at the sky.

A sudden yell snapped her attention back to the ring of knights. Her eyes widened with astonishment as her vision came into focus on the two forms who had rushed into the fray of Sultansworn, steel clashing as they engaged.

For a moment, Jenesis was dazed. What the hell were Ivaan and Jude doing here? And now, of all times? Finally, she found her voice; it cut through the chill air cleanly, much louder than she even realized. All action halted; the Sultansworn stood down, warily eyeing Jude and Ivaan, who, with stunned expressions on their faces, did the same.

“Stand down, you two!” She commanded, looking directly at them, blue eyes rimmed with tears she could not wipe away. Exodus’ voice from behind her caused her to whip around to glare at him, legs shaking beneath her.

“Arrest the both of them for interfering. They can stand trial with her.” Ivaan and Jude dropped into fighting stances almost immediately, and a surge of panic rose within her.

“Stop! They have nothing to do with this, Exodus! Just let them be.” Her eyes met her brother’s, whose expression remained unchanged.


“They have attacked my men, I would assume at your behest. I am not about to let your accomplices run free.”

“Lady Labariel! What are you doing? Let us help you!” Jenesis looked from Jude to Ivaan, and then back to her brother. Swearing beneath her breath, she twisted her body and lashed out with a leg, knocking the woman holding her bound wrists backwards. Her eyes flicked to the man holding her lance, whose hands were not currently free enough to grab his sword.

Angling her body and snapping her knees together for a leap, Jenesis threw herself toward him, forcing her arms out as far away from her back as they would go. She felt the rope catch, heard the sound of the stands snapping as they slipped against the blade of her lance. She swung her arms forward, tendrils of rope falling to the ground around her feet as her fist came around to connect with the side of the unfortunate man’s face. He staggered backwards, his grip loosed on her lance, which she snapped up and held out in front of her, causing the others swarming around her to pause warily.

“Exodus, I invoke my right to challenge!” The words sounded strange and hollow to her as she shouted them. Exodus’ lips pursed tightly, but he raised an arm, sweeping outward with his hand. The Sultansworn surrounding Jenesis began to step back, sheathing their weapons, save for the ones standing off against Jude and Ivaan.

“On my honor and blood as a Labariel,” she said, her tone high and voice clear, “I swear to you that if I lose this duel I will submit myself to your judgment. My demands in return are, regardless of the outcome, you let these two go on their way with no charges leveled. Do you agree to these terms?” Jenesis raised her head, looking up at Exodus, wind whipping her blonde tresses furiously around her angular face.

Exodus took a step toward her, his own tone level, the deep timbre of his voice carrying easily across the barren spanse of ice and snow. “On my honor and blood as a Labariel, I accept your terms.” Jenesis nodded curtly, then turned to Jude and Ivaan.

“Stand down, you two,” Jenesis said to them through clenched teeth. “Come here, quickly.” The two men exchanged glances before warily disengaging from their assailants and running to Jenesis’ side.

“I would like a moment to confer with my friends.” Exodus nodded wordlessly, eyebrow raising at her statement, though he paid it no remark. Jenesis turned to them, then, her expression a strange mixture of rage and relief. “You two must stay back, do not try to help me.”

Ivaan spoke before she could say anything more. “What are you doing?” A simple question, direct, and spoken without anger. His hand lifted to raise his visor so that face was visible, frown lines running low over his brow as he regarded her with concern.

Jenesis opened her mouth to reply, but Jude could hold his own thoughts no longer. They came spilling forth, one after the other, so much so that it was difficult to tell when one sentence ended and another began.

“My lady, who are these people? Why are you out here all by yourself? Who did you just challenge to a duel? That is hardly necessary, the three of us can fight these –” Jenesis lifted a hand. Her voice was soft, but its tone bade no argument.

“Jude.” The Miqo’te stopped speaking, brows drawn low over his mismatched eyes as he looked at her. “This is a duel. You must promise me that you and Ivaan will not interfere.” Jude’s breath caught in his throat and he stepped forward toward her, his voice tight with frustration.

“Jenesis, why can’t we help you? I - I am capable!” He swallowed hard. He was so upset that he abandoned his comfort of formalities and addressed his mentor frankly, with little care for anything else. “I can fight for you, Jenesis! I - I will!” He looked to Ivaan for assistance, who had yet to say anything further on the matter.

“Not Jenesis today, Jude,” she said gently, touching his shoulder. His ears flicked outward, expression twisted into one of distinct confusion. She glanced at the lance in her hand, hefting it for a moment as if she were testing its weight. Her eyes rose over to where her brother waited, impassively, before she took her weapon in both hands and handed it to Ivaan, who stared at her for a moment without comprehension.

“Take it. If I fall, I leave it to you. I can think of none more capable.” Ivaan frowned, reluctantly taking the lance and lifting his eyes to hers.

“I do not understand. What, exactly, do you intend to fight with?” Jenesis strode away from the two of them, headed for a Sultansworn on the outer edge of the ring. She held her hands out, a few soft words exchanged between them before the knight loosed the sword from its scabbard and handed it to her, along with his shield. She turned back toward her friends, a weather-worn smile upon her lips as she raised the sword in salute to them.

“Jenesis!” Jude leaned anxiously forward, a lump rising in his throat and threatening to catch. She looked back at him, shaking her head, and spoke.

“Today, Jude, I am Lady Labariel.”

Stay tuned for Part 2…

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