Visiting the UofM & EMU Student Games Showcase

Earlier this week, some coworkers and I piled into a couple of cars and drove out to Ann Arbor for a showcase of games created by students from the University of Michigan (UM) and Eastern Michigan University (EMU). They throw this showcase twice a year at the end of their semesters and it’s a fun way to meet people who are passionate about games and all of the work that goes into making them. I went last December and had a fantastic time, so I was excited to get to go again.

Stardock Game Night: Games for Big Groups

One of the benefits of working with a bunch of people who love games as much as you do is that you’re never short on takers for a game night! We try to do these once a month or so here at the office as time permits, and it’s always a good excuse for us to unwind together after a long work day and just enjoy each other’s company. The biggest challenge of game nights here is finding games that can accommodate larger groups of people. Our turnouts are so big that it’s inevitable that we split off

Web Browers: What do we Want from Them?

I remember when I had my first interview at Stardock. One of the people in the room, a guy named Kris, looked at me and fired off a series of PC user questions, things like: what kind of computer do you have, what operating systems do you run, and what web browser do you use? I answered each, and when I got to the web browser part and answered Chrome, he fired back with a question that caught me off-guard. ...honest answer? I have no idea why. It was just what I used (and still use)! I don’t

4 Apps for a Productive Home PC

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time at a computer every day. Whether it’s for work or for hobbies (in my case, it’s both), having an efficiently organized and productive desktop for your PC can cut down on the amount of time we spend hunting for documents or trying to remember where we put something. Object Desktop contains over a dozen PC productivity, customization, and optimization apps that can keep your desktop a flawless and fun place to work.

Groupy for the Busy College Student

As much as it pains me to admit it, I’ve been out of college for awhile now - 10 years in April, to be precise. Still, I have fond memories of Ren Faire, campus life, apartment living, and a community of close friends. The less fond memories include apartment living (two sides to every coin!), tuition, and those sleepless nights of crunchtime because I forgot about (or procrastinated on, let’s be real here) a paper that was due the next day. I did some crazy fun stuff in college…

Groupy for the Project Manager

Our core marketing team here at Stardock consists of a small group of very dedicated, very busy people. Because of how many products on both the software and game side we handle on a daily basis, an organizational system is absolutely integral to our success. Katie, our marketing operations manager, is the glue that holds our team together. Because of her diverse skill set, she tackles a lot of different tasks for our team, including keeping all of us and our individual assignments on track! B

Adventures in PC Building - Part 1

Let me start with a very, very important disclaimer: I hate computers. Well, more specifically, computers hate me. Within a week of joining the team here at Stardock, the guys in IT already knew my name and had to come down to fix computer issues multiple times. I also had a motherboard burst into flames on me once (STILL trying to figure that one out) and smoked a power supply (these occurred within months of each other), so I’m pretty sure our PC overlords have it out for me or something.

Adventures in PC Building - Part 2

The Recap: All you really need to know is that some n00b decided to build a PC (pssst, that n00b is me!) and here’s the conclusion of the grand adventure! First things first: we cleared the living room. This meant rolling up my rug to reduce any potential for static, vacuuming the floor well to make sure it was clean, and locking my cat Miza up in my bedroom (who did NOT appreciate that, by the way). Once we got everything tidy, I started bringing out the parts...

Going Off World

“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depths of our answers.” -Carl Sagan Sometimes, you just happen to be at the right place at the right time. Sometimes, the stars align (forgive the space pun) and everything falls into place just as it was meant to be. Sometimes, the universe slaps you in the face with an opportunity and cheerily exclaims, “Here you go!” This is exactly what happened to planetary geologist Kirby Runyon, the science consultant for Mohawk...

Diplomacy in Sorcerer King

I'm here to tell you that philosophy was a lie in grade school and it is most definitely a lie in Sorcerer King. The Sorcerer King is more than capable of breaking your bones (among many other worse things!), and your words, if not chosen carefully, will absolutely get you hurt. So, we're going to talk about another important element of survival in Sorcerer King: Lying - I mean, diplomacy! ...Which, let's face it, definitely involves a bit of lying from time to time...

Getting Started in Sorcerer King

Hi, my name is Kristy and I’m the newest member of the Stardock team. My father sparked my love for gaming when he bought a Nintendo system twenty-some odd years ago and started playing Super Mario Brothers with me. By the time I was 8 and constantly left him in the dust during our Contra playthroughs, he retired from games - but me, I was hooked for life. I play lots of different types of games and always enjoy exploring new genres. Normally, “4X” games are not something I play - I’m certainly...
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